
Opening Ceremony of Nanshan Botanic Garden Australian Plants Festival in Chongqing南山植物园“澳大利亚植物文化交流节”开幕仪式 (18/05/2019)

Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon!





It is my great pleasure to speak to you today at the opening of Australian Plants and Cultural Festival at this beautiful Nanshan Botanic Garden.

我很荣幸 受邀 来到 美丽的 南山植物园,参加“澳大利亚植物文化交流节”。


On behalf of the Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu, I would like to congratulate Nanshan Botanic Garden and Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria on your growing and fruitful partnership.

我仅代表 澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆,对南山植物园 和澳大利亚维多利亚州皇家植物园的友好合作 开花、结果,表示祝贺。


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nanshan Botanic Garden for your great efforts in organising this Festival, which is a testament to your good relationship and friendship with Australian counterpart.

在此,我要特别感谢 南山植物园 对主办此次活动的 辛勤付出,这也见证了   你们 和澳大利亚的 良好关系 和真情友谊。


The Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu was established in 2013 to strengthen our engagement with the Chongqing Municipality, along with the Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆 成立于2013年,旨在加强 澳大利亚与重庆 以及四川,云南和贵州的 交流与合作。


The Australia-China relationship is diverse and mature, and has delivered substantial benefits to both countries. We have a shared commitment to advancing our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, and through the signing of the China Australia Free Trade Agreement or ChAFTA, Australia has now become China’s seventh largest trading partner, while China is Australia’s biggest trading partners.

澳中关系 已发展多元 且成熟,为两国带来了 实实在在的利益。我们共同致力于 继续推进“全面战略合作伙伴关系”,通过 “中澳自由贸易协定”的签署,澳大利亚现已成为 中国第七大贸易伙伴,而中国是 澳大利亚最大的贸易伙伴。


People-to-people links are deep and expanding. In 2018, Australia hosted 205,000 Chinese students which was a new record, and the returned student alumni in China is now over 700,000 - Or as I see it, 700,000 young people who have an affinity with Australia and generally keen to maintain a connection in any form, as those alumni here today – opportunities are abound.

两国人文交流 也在不断深入和扩展。 2018年,澳大利亚迎来了20.5万名中国学生,这是一项新纪录,而留澳海归 现已超过70万 – 在我看来,这70万 对澳大利亚有特殊感情的 年轻人,通常会热衷于通过各种形式与澳大利亚保持关联,就像今天到场的校友们一样 – 机会无处不在。


More than 1.4 million Chinese visited Australia last year while 600,000 Australians travelled to China – this is double the number of only a decade ago. 

去年,有超过140万中国人访问了澳大利亚,60万澳大利亚人 到访中国 –  这是十年前的两倍。


Only last month, the Australian Government announced the establishment of the $44 million dollar National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, in order to strengthen cooperation across all fields, between our two countries.

就在上个月,澳大利亚政府 宣布投入4400万澳元,建立一个新的 国家基金会,以加强两国 全方面的合作。


Australia has longstanding and ever growing interests in Chongqing. During WWII, Australia’s third diplomatic mission was establish right here in Chongqing or Chungking as it was known when the city was China’s wartime capital.

澳大利亚对重庆的关注,由来已久,并且日益增长。在第二次世界大战期间,澳大利亚的第三个外交机构 就是在重庆,战时的陪都 设立。


The legation building still stands today in Chongqing’s E’ling Park. On top of this, Chongqing and Brisbane have been sister cities since 2005.

如今, 我们当初的公使馆 仍完好地 屹立在 重庆鹅岭公园。除此之外,重庆和布里斯班 在2005年 便结为 姐妹城市。


It is this shared history and the relationships that have been forged over many years that form the foundation of our dynamic trade and investment cooperation.

正是 共同的历史渊源,和多年的友好关系,成为了 我们今天 充满活力的   经贸合作基础。


Last week, in order to further deepen our economic and trade ties,  

we co-organised with Chongqing’s Foreign Affairs Office, Commerce Commission and Port Office, the first Australia- Chongqing Economic and Trade Forum, featuring the largest ever B2B showcase in the Food and Beverage Sector in Southwest China.

就在上周,为了进一步深化 双边经贸关系,我馆与重庆市外办,商务委和口岸办合作举办了“首届澳大利亚 – 中国(重庆)经贸论坛”,其中 也包括

到访中国西南地区 最大规模的 澳方食品饮料行业代表团 企业对接洽淡会。


Healthy living is the priority for our Consulate-General this year. Apart from introducing Australian green and healthy food products, we are glad to see the project like Plants Festival could promote Chongqing and Australia exchanges and cooperation in the fields of biodiversity and more broadly sustainable development, which is the ultimate goal for healthy living.

大健康,是我馆今年的工作重点。除了介绍澳大利亚绿色、健康的产品,我们也很高兴 看到 像“植物节”这样的项目,可以促进重庆和澳大利亚 在生物多样性,和更广泛的 可持续发展领域的交流合作,这也是我们倡导大健康的终极目标。


I wish to conclude by suggesting everyone here take full advantage of this opportunity to experience and explore as much as you can of Australian plants and culture.

最后,我建议大家 充分利用此次活动机会,尽可能地体验 和探索 澳大利亚的植物和文化。


I wish our Australian guests a most fruitful visit, and Nanshan Botanic Garden every success in this Plants Festival and future undertakings. 

祝愿 澳大利亚嘉宾 此次访问 硕果累累,预祝 南山植物园“澳大利亚植物文化交流节”圆满成功,未来事业 一帆风顺。


Thank you!
